Lisbon, 25th to 27th January 2017
From 25th to 27th January 2017, the Portuguese NGO Sapana hosted the kick-off meeting of EDUCATE project in Lisbon. During these three days, representatives from the five participant organizations, discussed extensively how the goals can be achieved, reviewed the project’s phases, agreed on strategies for the development of the outputs, exchanged good practices and finalized the next steps for the up-coming two years. Professionals and volunteers from Portugal that work on the field of inmates education and personal development, presented in brief their experience from working in prisons and the positive outcomes they receive so far. The participants visited the Caxias Prison, where they discussed with the personnel about the Portuguese penitentiary system, noticing differences and similarities with other countries, they were guided around the infrastractures and discussed on reintegration policy and organisational aspects.
Thessaloniki, 17th to 19th January 2018
From 17th to 19th January 2018 took place in Thessaloniki (Greece) the 2nd Transnational meeting of KA2 Project EDUCATE – Educators for Inclusive and Effective Reintegration of Inmates.
During the first day partners completed the first output of the project, the recognition tool of competences required by educators who work with inmates in prisons and with persons in alternative measure to detention. The group designed the tool on the basis of documents and contribution shared during the first year of training and practice exchange. The tool will be presented by each partner to its main National stakeholders, in order to collect their comments and point of view.
Zoe Lyra and Nikos Rammos, 2 actors of the National Theatre of Northern Greece, that offer voluntarily drama lessons to the inmates of the local prison of N. Diavata, shared with partners their experience and how drama changed the life of the prisoners.
During the meeting, Educate brought its contribution to the event ContaminAzioni, in streaming, with the dissemination workshop “Diversity and contamination in prison and in the places of emargination”. Other workshops in streaming from Athens, Latina, Verona took place at the same time. Youineurope presented the importance of European projects and best practice exchange. Noesso presented the first output of the project and L’Ovile presented the results of the survey on staff carried out within Educate. Ms Mary Grizou, director of the Second Chance School of N.Diavata, Ms Kalliopi Pasia, Facilitator in the Creative Writing Program that runs in N. Diavata prisons and Mr Elton Cenere, ex inmate and participant in the Creative Writing Program, presented their experience on how the creative writing program changed the everyday life of the inmates, offering a goal and a perspective to them. Mr Cenere explained how he was immensly inspired and transformed after the program, and wishes to continue his passion for writing and publishing his own books.
Bistrita, 6th to 8th June 2018
The third Transnational Meeting for Educate KA2 Erasmus+ project took place in Bistrita, Romania from 6th to 8th June 2018. The Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Project “EDUCATE: Educators for inclusive and effective reintegration for inmates” addresses the challenge for a more inclusive and effective reintegration of inmates. As a Strategic Partnership supporting exchange of good practices, the project has the primary goal to allow partner organizations to share experiences, approaches and work methodologies in the field of adult inmates education.
During this meeting the five partner organizations, L’ Ovile from Italy, Noesso from Spain, Bistrita penitentiary from Romania, Sapana from Portugal and You In Europe from Greece, proceeded with the evaluation of the focus group results.
During the first day, the representatives of Bistrita Penitentiary welcomed the participants. Then, the participants analyzed the results of the focus groups presentations they had in their countries, and decided – through a fruitful and creative discussion – for integrations to the version of the Profile of the Educator working with persons deprived of liberty.
At the last part of the 1st day the partners watched the documentary of Mr Georgios Trantas, member of the Greek delegation. The documentary describes and summarises all the good practices and activities that the partners are using in the field of inmates and ex-inmates reintegration.
During the second day, the Bistrita penitentiary, participating with the staff of Psychosocial Assistance Office, presented an advanced model of promoting the social reintegration and implemented a workshop relevant to the subject. Sapana NGO also presented its advanced model of inmates integration into labour market and the partners had a creative and productive discussion on it. After the financial overview presentation from L’Ovile NGO, the day closed with a brainstorm planning the final dissemination in Italy and at national level.
During the 3rd day, the participants assigned responsibilities about the project dissemination activities.
The next meeting of the project will take place in Reggio Emilia and Bologna, Italy, from 2nd to 4th October 2018, where the project will finish with the presentation of the final event.
Reggio Emilia
Reggio Emilia, 2nd to 4th October 2018
After two years of fruitful co-operation, the partners of EDUCATE project met for the closing event in Italy, giving the promise for new, even more succesful projects. The Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Project: “EDUCATE: Educators for inclusive and effective reintegration for inmates”, addressed the challenge for a more inclusive and effective reintegration of inmates. As a Strategic Partnerships supporting exchange of good practices, the project had the primary goal to allow partner organizations to share experiences, approaches and work methodologies in the field of adult inmates education.
During the final dissemination event “Working with Persons Deprived of Liberty. How European good practice exchanges help and support educators to develop their knowledge, competences and activity”, the five partner organizations, L’Ovile from Italy, Noesso from Spain, Sapana from Portugal, Bistrita Penitentiary from Romania and You in Europe from Greece, had the honour to present all the outputs of the project as well as the methodology they used and the added value from the good practices they shared. The meeting, organized in collaboration with Marcello Marighelli, Ombudsman of Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty of Emilia Romagna Region, took place in the headquarters of Emilia Romagna Region on 3rd of October 2018.
The presented outputs were:
1.Profile of the Educator working with persons deprived of liberty.
2.Model of promoting the social reintegration after release from prison.
3.Model of inmates integration into labor markets.
4.Reintegration actions in Europe (Video documentary)
5.Collection of good practices – Labor integration
6.Collection of good practices – Social Reintegration
During the event EDUCATE partners shared outputs with Cefal Emilia Romagna and Consorzio Open, local organizations committed in European projects in the field of Justice and reintegration process.
After the presentation, the delegations visited the prison of Bologna, where they were informed about the reintegration methods and practices that the prison implements for inmates and ex-inmates.
During the last day, during final evaluation meeting, the partners agreed on the dissemination actions they would implement and discussed about further cooperations in the future. A great co-operation reached its end, but new ways open in front of us!