From the very begging of the project Youineurope carried out several public events aimed at the dissemination of the “EDUCATE” project:

  • Briefing to the local authorities (municipal council, municipal social services, organizations) about the project (process, learning outcomes, benefits partners etc.);
  • Information of the schools of the region in order to have the biggest sensitization of the young people in the topic;
  • Information of the local societies in 3 cities Nea Moudania, Thessaloniki and Larissa for the same reason.

All the dissemination events were successful as lot of people were interested to hear about the topic.

Youineurope is planning to continue the public events way for the further project’s dissemination.

Youineurope also contributes to the project’s dissemination through social media and through its official web site where the information is continuant.

On 18th January 2018 Educate brought its contribution to the event ContaminAzioni, aimed at promoting the idea of an European Union based on dialogue and contaminations. Educate participated with the dissemination workshop “Diversity and contamination in prison and in the places of emargination”, which took place in Thessaloniki, connected with other workshops in streaming from Athens, Latina, Verona.

Youineurope produced the video “Reintegration Actions in Europe”, presented on the National Greek television in order to share good practice exchange carried out within Educate and the main results of training activity – Watch the video 

With the opportunity of the Peer to Peer Training that we organised in Larissa, Vasilis Stoulos and Stavroula Pagona, projects managers, where hosted in the Regional TV Channel, Thessalia TV, where they presented in detail the Educate Project and its benefits. Watch the video


Youineurope also promoted Educate project, during the festival “Erasmus Village”, organised by our National Agency. There, it presented briefly Educate as a good practice in the framework of KA2 partnerships.

During the last two months, the NGO was also hosted by 2 local radio stations, where among others it promoted the innovations and the outputs of Educate project.